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Trial simulation as a practical teaching method

The Federal Ministry of Education and Science financed the project of equipping the courtroom for trial simulation, which will be used by students of the Faculty as part of classes and exercises in all positive legal subjects. This type of student work will enable the improvement of practical skills and knowledge that will be useful to students in future calls to the judiciary and other bodies.
The courtroom represents a unique type of practical work of this kind throughout the country, and the Faculty will engage judges, lawyers and prosecutors in the organization and execution of simulated trials, who, together with teachers and associates, will complete the court proceedings - all its stages and all the actions of the participants in the proceedings make students closer and easier to understand.
The courtroom was officially opened on May 22, 2013. year, and the opening was attended by numerous guests from public life, representatives of the judicial authorities and numerous members of the academic community.
Project coordinator: M.Sc. Denis Pajic

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