Citizens' Association "Zašto ne", in cooperation with the Slovenian Institute "Danes je nov dan", has developed an advanced tool with which citizens can easily be informed about the work
Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is about the Parlemetar BiH web platform.
Their goal is to present this tool to students, professors, the wider academic community and everyone who can use it in their work, and to make available, completely free of charge, both the data they collect and all the expertise they have when it comes to
in the matter of analyzing legislative procedures and acts.
The goal of the BiH Parliament is to make the entire decision-making process in the most important legislative body in BiH more transparent, so that the interested public (researchers, scientists, students, programmers, analysts, journalists, politicians , but also citizens) had a better insight into how decisions are made on their behalf.
The Parliament of BiH monitors sessions, legislation, attendance at votes, representative and delegate issues and initiatives, speeches at sessions,
spoken words, disagreements with the club, so-called party "fliers" and others.